By George Vionis C'1
Seán William McLoughlin, best known under
his pseudonym Jacksepticeye, is an Irish game commentator on YouTube, known primarily for his
comedic Let's Play series on video games, yelling, and occasional vlogs.

He was a former
drummer of indie heavy-metal band named Raised to the Ground. One of his older
brothers, Malcolm, is a writer, after meeting up with his family one time. Around the late 2000's, he graduated high school
with a degree in Music Technology. Around the early 2010's, McLoughlin dropped
out of college after 2 years, but after meeting a person on Interpals, he
decided to study English. He finished up college around 2014, the same year
that his channel reached 1 million subscribers.
McLoughlin first
joined YouTube on 24 February 2007, under the username
"Jacksepticeye". He started his YouTube career with a Solid Snake impression uploaded
on 12 November 2012, and began producing let's
play videos of Far Cry 3 and Dark Souls shortly after. His
older videos are considered to be significantly "calmer" than his
newer ones, which is the reason why he calls himself the "most energetic
video game commentator on YouTube".
McLoughlin got his name "Jack" from his
mother and subsequently friend, who gave him the nickname when he was young.
His friends started calling him "Jacksepticeye" after he got cut in
the eye by his friend's glasses in an accident that happened when he was
playing soccer. The channel first began to grow in September 2013 after PewDiePie announced his channel as a winner of his
"shout-out competition" for aspiring YouTubers with a modest number
of subscribers, at the time his channel had around 2,000 subscribers, and
within a year that figure had grown to over 1,000,000.
Γράφει ο Γιώργος Βιώνης Γ'1
Ο Seán William McLoughlin, γνωστός με το ψευδώνυμο Jacksepticeye είναι ιρλανδός σχολιαστής παιχνιδιών στο Youtube
. Γεννήθηκε στις 7 Φεβρουαρίου 1990. Ο μεγαλύτερος αδελφός
του είναι συγγραφέας. Ξεκνησε την καριέρα του το2012. Από τον Απρίιλη του 2016
το κανάλι του στο Toutube έχει πάνω από 9.6
εκατ. συνδρομητές, πάνω από 4.2 δισεκατ. θεάσεις και είναι το 55ο κανάλι
με τις περισσότερες συνδρομές. Το μισό παρατσούκλι -Jack-οφείλεται στην μητέρα του και -Septiceye- στο
κόψιμο από γυαλiα στο μάτι του που αιμοραγούσε πολύ.